Friday, February 23, 2007

Puppy Names

I like to think of myself as a great namer of puppies. My boyfriend probably would disagree, however, I will hold to this day that Martini would have been cute, and 8Ball would not have been. Maybe Starry got lucky with Rockstarr. Anyway, here are my simple tricks for naming your puppy:

1) Take into account the coloring of your puppy. For example, Starry is all white, like a little star.
2) Take into account the temperment of your puppy. For example, Starry is sort of a diva
3) Think about any special situation concerning the new arrival. For example, we bought Starry late at night in a parking lot, and so as I was driving home, I was also drinking a Rockstar energy drink.
4) Think of anyone specal to you, or otherwise. We have a friend with the last name fo Starr, and for when he runs for President, we thought it would be fun to have our dog partially named after him

Congratulations of the new puppy, and hopefully you wil find this helpful!

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